Nine To Noon for Friday 25 November 2016
09:00 Why is NZ still sending children to prison?
Last week Queensland became the last remaining Australian State to include 17 year olds in the youth justice system, leaving New Zealand among the few countries that send youths to prison. Kathryn Ryan speaks to Dr Katie Bruce, the director of JustSpeak who is lobbying for a change, human rights lawyer Sonja Cooper who's had 30 years experience as a Youth Advocate & Sam Haggart a youth worker from Tūtaki Youth in Stratford.
09:20 What's the future for Kaikoura's marine life?
Kathryn Ryan talks to David Schiel, a Professor of Marine Science at Canterbury University who's currently carrying out an urgent survey of sealife along the coast of Kaikoura, parts of which have been lifted more than 6 metres.
09:35 Cane Toad sausages
Kathryn Ryan speaks to Corrin Everitt from Western Australia's Department of Parks and Wildlife about cane toad sausages; called taste aversion therapy, the idea is for animals to eat the cane toad snarler - made from small cane toads with minimal toxin - that are laced with a salt chemical that will make them feel sick, so they avoid eating cane toads in the future.
09:45 Pacific correspondent Mike Field
Mike Field considers the legacy of Fiji's Voreqe Bainimarama seizing power in a coup one decade on; the Catholic Church on Guam is tearing itself apart over sexual abuse by priests and a Samoan history conference at Auckland University - and a look at the role of rugby there.
10:05 Who's Who in the Whovian's Who-niverse?
What are the strangest weapons in the whole universe ? Where exactly is Gallifrey ? How close has Dr Who come to predicting future scientific discoveries? Kathryn Ryan talks to science fiction author Simon Guerrier who has has written countless Doctor Who books, the latest of which is a glorious compendium of ridiculous facts, infographics and visualisations called 'Whographica'.
10:35 Children's Book Review with John McIntyre
The Annual edited by Kate de Goldi and Susan Paris, published by Gecko Press.
The Fox and the Ghost King by Michael Morpurgo, illustrated by Michael Forman published by Harper Collins.
10:45 The Reading
The Party Line by Sue Orr read by Miriama Mc Dowell (Part 5 of 10)
11:05 New Music with Jeremy Taylor
Jeremy Taylor enjoys Flying Nun's retrospective collection from short-lived Auckland punk band The Features, a tenth anniversary reissue from Midlake, a double disc dose of bluesy guitar rock from Troy Kingi, and a melancholy disco fave from Womack & Womack.
11:20 Sports commentator Brendan Telfer
The All Blacks copping plenty of criticism for the tactics in their 21-9 win over the Irish in Dublin, and hats off to the organisers of the Womens 2017 ASB Classic coming up in just over a month- they’ve attracted four world number 1 players.
11:45 The Week that Was with Te Radar and Michele A'Court