Nine To Noon for Thursday 31 August 2017
09:05 New approach to fighting P launched in Northland
The three million dollar Te Ara Oranga methamphetamine demand reduction strategy pilot is being launched by Northland DHB and NZ Police this morning. The plan is to dedicate seven police officers to stemming the flow of methamphetamine supply, and to refer users and whanau to health services as a first priority. P admissions to Northland DHB's detox unit are now second only to alcohol, and methamphetamine has become the second or third most common reason for referral to DHB Drug and Alcohol services in Tai Tokerau. Dr Nick Chamberlin is CEO of Northland DHB. A video has been produced to support the strategy.
09:20 Protecting personal data, the 8 questions that matter most
Photo: Pexels
We're all being mined for our data, but it's not always clear how it's being collected and used. In order to fix this the Data Futures Partnership, an independent Government appointed group, has come up with some guidelines to help organisations be transparent about all this, in a way that is easy to understand. To develop these guidelines, the Partnership has talked to thousands of New Zealanders and has formulated a list of the eight questions that matter most to them. Individuals and communities can then ask these and decide whether or not their trust has been earned. Dame Diane Robertson is the Data Futures Partnership working group chair.
09:35 Fertility advice: keep doing it !
Photo: 123RF
New research suggests that young couples who are having difficulties conceiving may just need more time, rather than costly treatments. University of Otago researchers conducted a long term study of almost 1400 couples who'd been tying to conceive for more than 12 months. Professor Wayne Gillett, senior author of the report, says treatment is costly and stressful and many couples can have the family they desire, it just might take longer than they thought.
09:45 UK correspondent Kate Adie
In Britain there's an underlying feeling that the EU is being more than unreasonable in its exit price for Brexit. Also Bake off - is back !
10:05 How cats tamed us and took over the world
Photo: RNZ
Abigail Tucker is a wildlife writer for Smithsonian magazine where she's covered everything from vampire anthropology to bioluminescent marine life. She's just written a book about cats, The Lion in the Livingroom, in which she argues that the animals have used their relationship with humans to become one of the most powerful animals on the planet.
10:35 Book review
If I Die Tonight by A L Gaylin, published by Penguin Random House, reviewed by Ralph McAllister.
10:45 The Reading
In the Air by Henare te Ua (part 9 of 10).
11:05 New technology commentator Robbie Allan
Sexism in tech, and what's in store for Uber's new CEO? Plus kids and technology.
11:25 How to get the best out of secondary school
Photo: 123rf
For parents struggling with choosing what high school to send their child to, or trying to navigate a raft of information about what is being taught and how, Education Consultant Bail Haque has written a guide for parents, New Zealand Secondary Schools and Your Child. He has been the principal of four secondary schools, is a past President of the Secondary Schools Principals Association and he's worked at the NZQA, with a particular focus on NCEA.
11:45 TV Review
Tamar Munch reviews The Deuce on Sky TV's Soho channel, TVNZ1's Rachel's Tour of Beauty and Netflix crime drama Ozark.