Nine To Noon for Thursday 1 February 2018
09:05 Wellington's universities to take on landlords
The number of available rentals in the Wellington has dropped 70% on a year ago, and TradeMe figures predict the demand in January is even bigger. It's giving universities in other cities the chance to entice prospective students with better, cheaper housing. The University of Canterbury has received a record number of new applications from would-be students from Wellington. Kathryn Ryan speaks with Victoria University's Vice-Chancellor Grant Guilford, and Massey University's Vice-Chancellor, Jan Thomas.
09:25 Calls for Tourette's to be understood, accepted and supported
Team building games on the first day of Camp Twitch. Most of the kids who come to camp have never met anyone else with TS before because it is such a rare disorder. Photo:
Robyn Twemlow is the director of the Tourettes Association of New Zealand which she started after her daughter Analise was diagnosed with it and found it almost impossible to find support. She talks to Kathryn Ryan about the battle to get Tourette Syndrome supported within the health and education sectors as well as by the public; and is calling for it to be classified as a disability like it is in Australia, the UK, Canada and the US. Kathryn also talks to another parent Tracey Bain.
09:45 UK correspondent Kate Adie
Kate Adie on the continuing civil war within parties over Brexit, the BBC gender pay row, now back on front pages, and the continuing fall-out from the Presidents' Club men-only charity dinner scandal.
10:05 Secrets of the 600 year-old scroll & the kiwi connection
After six hundred years the secrets contained within a mysterious medieval document could soon be unlocked, thanks to New Zealand detective work. The illuminated genealogical scroll, known as the Canterbury Roll, dates to the Wars of the Roses. It was acquired by the University of Canterbury in 1918 and remains the only genealogical roll in the southern hemisphere. No-one knows who commissioned the 16ft scroll, or its whereabouts for a hundred years. Kathryn Ryan talks to the University of Canterbury 's medieval historian Dr Chris Jones.
10:35 Book review - Best of 2017
Niki Ward reviews:
- The Mother of All Questions by Rebecca Solnit, published by Granta Books.
- Bright Ideas for Young Minds by Beststart, published by Mary Egan Publishing.
- France is a Feast: Paul & Julia Child's Photographic Journey by Alex Prud'homme, Katie Pratt, published by Thames & Hudson Ltd.
10:45 The Reading
Gutter Black by Dave McArtney read by Phil O'Brien (Part 4 of 6)
11:05 New Technology
Sarah Putt on fake followers, US soldiers' fitness apps inadvertently breaching security and Google's memory loss.
11:25 Preventing perfectionism
How can we prevent our perfectionist children from focusing on their mistakes? From screwing up the drawing because they went over the lines, to refusing to do things because they think they're not good enough.
Clinical psychologist Lynn Jenkins talks to Kathryn Ryan about her book "Perfect Petunias", designed to help children see trying their best matters more than getting it right every time. Perfect Petunias is the 3rd in Lynn's Little Anxious Creature book series.
11:40 Govt announces abuse inquiry
Minister for Children Tracey Martin talks about the government's Royal Commission of Inquiry into historical abuse in state care.
11:45 Viewing with Tamar Munch
Tamar Munch has been watching American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace on Soho, The End of the F*cken World, streaming on Netflix, and Gunpowder, streaming on Lightbox.
Music played in this show
Artist: Valerie June
Song: Workin’ Woman Blues
Composer: June
Album: “Pushin’ against a Stone’
Label: Sunday Best
Broadcast time: 09:32
Artist: Joan As Police Woman
Song: Holy City
Composer: Wasser
Album: The Classic
Label: Pias
Broadcast time: 10:38