Nine To Noon for Tuesday 21 August 2018
09:05 Oral Health Service "failing children"
The Dental Association says nearly 100, 000 children are overdue for a recall with the school dental service and the system is failing children.It says each day around 120 children have their teeth extracted - and last year seven thousand children required hospital dental treatment under general anesthetic. President of the Dental Association Dr Bill O'Connor says it is unacceptable that children are not being treated before they get to the point where their teeth need pulling out.
09:20 Targeting golden hives of criminal activity
Photo: RNZ
How cutting edge crime pattern analysis is being used to prevent beehive theft and crime that's related to sporting events. Dr Justin Kurland is developing the spatiotemporal analysis he used at California's Redwood National Park to prevent burl poaching, for use in New Zealand. The cost of the theft of beehives to the honey industry is thought to run into the millions. Dr Kurland is a Senior Lecturer at Waikato University's Institute for Security and Crime Science.
Poachers have chopped the burr (burl) from the base of this redwood. Photo: Sally Schilling/KQED
09:30 Surprising Welsh links to England's Stonehenge
Stonehenge Photo:
While we still don't know why or how Stonehenge was constructed, new research may shed light on who was buried there - and it's not who you might think. Cutting edge analysis of cremated remains from the Neolithic site, indicates many were from Wales - 290kms away. It's been known for some time that stones from the proudly English landmark, had been sourced from Welsh mountains, but until now little has been known about the people buried beneath it. The study also analysed the type of fuel used in the cremation and traced the wood back to dense forests in west Wales. The theory goes that the human remains might come from the people who lugged the massive stones to the Wiltshire site. Christophe Snoeck, who is an expert in the scientific study of archaeological cremated remains, led the research.
09:45 Awaiting Paul Manafort trial verdict
US correspondent Gabrielle Levy keeps an eye on the deliberations of the Paul Manafort trial, jurors have been considering his fate for several days.
Photo: AFP / Getty Images
10:05 Parents' worse nightmare: a child's meth addiction
Photo: Supplied
Two different sides of the same story: overcoming a meth addiction, from the real life perspectives of a Hawke's Bay mother and daughter. Valeria Tokoar has written a memoir called Rehabilitated, matched by her mother Caroline Cook's account of discovering your child is a drug addict, as recounted in her book Where There's Life There Really Is Hope. Valeria's is a raw account of coming back from a world of drugs, alcohol and prostitution. Caroline's is a tale of discovering, coping with and learning from her daughter's addictions. They both speak with Lynn Freeman.
If you or someone you know is affected by this story, you can get more information at the Drug and Alcohol Helpline 0800 787 797 - available 24/7
10:35 Book review - Endeavour
Harry Broad reviews Endeavour - The Ship and the Attitude that Changed the World by Peter Moore, which is published by Penguin Random House.
10:45 The Reading
On Coming Home written and read by Paula Morris (Episode 2 of 5)
11:05 Business with Rod Oram
Business Commentator Rod Oram reports on the appointment of an interim Chief Executive for Fonterra, Infratil and Mercury Energy reach agreement over Tilt Renewables, Tru-Test reports a small loss as it prepares to divest a large part of its business and PGG Wrightson clarifies who owns its seeds intellectual property.
11:30 The Green Fairy, an augmented reality read
How technology can enhance the reading experience for children. Alejandro Davila from Conical Interactive Studios wrote children's book The Green Fairy - which can simply be read as a book, or you can ask the Green Fairy to read it to you, by using your iPad in Augmented Reality.
11:45 Tribute to Metro founder, Warwick Roger
Gavin Ellis remembers the intensity and courage the late Warwick Roger brought to long-form journalism as the founding editor of Metro magazine.
Gavin Ellis is a media commentator and former editor of the New Zealand Herald. He can be contacted on
Music played in this show
Artist: Lorde
Song: Team
Composer: Yelich O' Connor / Little
Album: Pure Heroine
Label: Universal
Time: 11:22
Artist: Lion Babe
Song: Jump Hi (feat. Childish Gambino)
Time: 11:45