09:05 Major rewrite to family court inches closer

Significant reform of the family court is inching closer. The Independent Panel making recommendations to the government is embarking on a final series of consultation meetings throughout the country on a raft of proposals. Chair of the Independent Panel, former Human Rights Commissioner Ros Noonan talks to Kathryn about what's wrong with the current system and how it could be changed.

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Photo: RNZ

0920 Auckland cemeteries are running out of room

Auckland's biggest cemetery, Waikumete, has just four years of burial plot sales left before it's full. Auckland Council's Environment Committee Chair Penny Hulse explains what plans the council has to expand the city's burial capacity.

Waikumete Cemetery.

Waikumete Cemetery. Photo: Auckland Council.

09:45 US-EU discord & snap election called in Spain

From Europe, correspondent Seamus Kearney where the Munich conference has laid bare Transatlantic tensions, as the relationship between the US and the EU deteriorates. Also, a snap election has been called in Spain amid rising anger in Catalonia, and European students rally for action against climate change.

10:05 The Chase's 'Dark Destroyer' Shaun Wallace

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Photo: www.tvnz.co.nz/

 "At best you 'll end up in prison at worst you'll end up in a factory." Despite teachers' low expectations Shaun Wallace rose above the discrimination to become a barrister with a famous TV quiz career. He shares tips on how to beat the buzzer, learning new stuff, and not letting the non believers get you down. He also faces a different type of tough questioning from Kathryn Ryan. Shaun has appeared on The Weakest Link, Fifteen to One, Are You An Egghead, Mastermind and now The Chase. He's in New Zealand quizzing around the country and to chat about his autobiography 'Chasing The Dream'.

10:35 Book review - The Age of Light by Whitney Scharer

Jane Westaway reviews The Age of Light by Whitney Scharer, which is published by Macmillan.

10:45 The Reading

These Two Hands by Renee  Episode 6 of 10

11:05 Political commentators Williams & Sherson

Mike Williams and Trish Sherson discuss NZ-China diplomacy with Kathryn, and also the Greens talk on the budget fiscal limit.

China and NZ flags

China and NZ flags Photo: 123RF

Mike Williams is a former Labour Party president. Trish Sherson is from corporate affairs firm Sherson Willis, and a former ACT press secretary.

11:30 Breaking down business barriers: The Independence Collective

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Photo: http://www.theindependencecollective.com

In today's competitive job market  it's not easy getting employment, and it can be even more of a challenge if you have an intellectual disability. Janie Martin,  had a heck of a time even being considered for work. It was that,  and other similar experiences felt by others, that lead to the creation of The Independence Collective. It's basically a group of people from the Kāpiti Coast with special needs who've created a business to help them become financially independent. Kathryn Ryan talks to Janie Martin, who is one of four members of the collective and Gordon Cumming who is one of two advisors.

11:45 NZ Co-housing taking off 

Bill McKay attended Wellington's recent CoHoHui, where all the signs are that co-housing is becoming more popular in New Zealand.

Robin Allison at the CoHoHui

Robin Allison at the CoHoHui Photo: supplied

Bill McKay is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland.