Notorious criminal on hunger strike at Auckland prison after claims he was beaten by prison guards
A notorious criminal, Dean Wickliffe is on a hunger strike at an Auckland prison after claims he was beaten by multiple prison guards. Lawyer Sam Vincent spoke to Charlotte Cook. Audio
Why has New Zealand not banned engineered stone?
Dr Alexandra Muthu is an occupational and environmental physician and long-time advocate for greater regulation and she speaks to Emile Donovan. Audio
Woman stole $300,000 to feed online gambling habit
A woman who got addicted to online casino gambling and stole $300,000 to feed her habit is warning the government against opening up a large online casino gambling market. Guyon Espiner is… Audio
Niche but relatable - the film fest where the theme is fraud
Swindles, scams and deception take centre-stage at Wellington's highly specific documentary film festival. Audio
Starbucks ordered to pay NZ$87m to delivery driver burned by coffee
The driver "suffered severe burns, disfigurement, and debilitating nerve damage to his genitals.
'I fell in love with the peace' - Former prisoner's journey to the farm
After a childhood filled with gang violence and facing imprisonment for manslaughter at 16, a finalist for the KiwiBank Young New Zealander of the Year credits farming, family and forgiveness for… Video, Audio
Australia learned from its own shooting tragedies: Six ideas NZ can borrow
Analysis - Nearly 30 years before the 2019 Christchurch attacks, NZ grappled with the horrors of another mass shooting - but law changes made in the aftermath of the massacre were inadequate.
Bluff oyster festival risks alcohol license over preference for glass
The popular Bluff Oyster and Food Festival risks losing its ability to sell alcohol after digging its toes over glass beverages. Audio
Firefighter fired, rehired, must learn sexual harassment policy
A long-serving firefighter has been told to familiarise himself with sexual harassment policy after a protracted employment investigation in which he was fired and then reinstated.
Sex workers say banks are making life more difficult
"It's a legal industry. We should bank it". That was the view of ANZ Chief Antonia Watson on whether sex workers should be able to get bank loans easily. It came up as an issue during a select… Audio
Jailed money launderer has nearly $200,000 in cars and cash seized
A man who admitted 78 money-laundering charges after a major drug ring was busted has now had nearly $200,000 in cars, cash and bank deposits confiscated.
Police use dispersal notice to crack down on Head Hunters gang
The notice came after police responded to a gun being pulled at an address on Auckland's North Shore.
Online casinos now able to advertise
For the first time, online casino operators will be able to advertise as part of a new market being opened by the government, sparking fears about a rise in problem gambling. Guyon Espiner has more. Audio
Electricians fear the Right to Repair Bill could be deadly
The bill passed its first reading in Parliament last month, but one trade feels the amendment is a live wire.
Master Electricians' warning on the Right to Repair Bill
The bill passed its first reading in Parliament last month, but one trade feels the amendment is a live wire. Audio
Splitting intellectual property in a divorce
Why a new ruling by the Supreme Court of New Zealand has major implications for creators in New Zealand. Audio
Experts claim Ministry of Justice buried report saying children at risk in judicial system
Family violence experts say the Ministry of Justice buried a report that says children are at risk in the judicial system and recommends sweeping changes. Amy Williams has the story. Audio
Meeting on Whangārei water fluoridation rescheduled as public
A Whangārei District Council meeting to discuss a legal challenge against fluoridation will now take place next week in public.
Retrial ordered in case against Wellington rail protesters
Four people were charged with endangering transport, which carries a maximum 14-year jail term.
Criminal charges filed against HelloFresh
The Commerce Commission has filed criminal charges against meal delivery company HelloFresh NZ for alleged misleading behaviour.