09:05 Drug law change: Is it effectively decriminalisation?

The Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill is the Government's response to the synthetic drug crisis, but submitters to the Health Select Committee have expressed concern about allowing widening the police discretion when it comes to possession. Chris Cahill from the Police Association joins Kathryn to talk about why he's worried about how the bill's changes will be interpreted. Also Dr Sam McBride from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and Ross Bell of the Drug Foundation.

drug use, substance abuse, addiction and people concept - close up of addict hands with marijuana joint

Photo: 123 RF

09:20 Building on prime growing land

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Photo: Horticulture NZ

Food producers are being forced out of business as prime growing land is sold off for subdivisions and lifestyle blocks. Horticulture New Zealand is welcoming the Environment Aotearoa 2019 report which says development of prime growing land for housing can force growers onto less productive ground, or out of business, and is pushing for a national policy statement to protect them.  It says an average of nearly 6 thousand new lifestyle blocks a year for the past twenty years are encroaching on our most productive or "versatile" land.  Horticulture New Zealand's Natural Resources and Environment Manager Michelle Sands speaks to Kathryn Ryan, along with Pukekohe grower Bharat Bhana.

09:45 Defence Secretary sacked over Huawei leak

UK correspondent Matthew Parris reports on the sacking of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson over the leak of confidential details about a deal with Huawei to build a 5G network in the UK. He denies being the leak - and PM Theresa May says there's no need for a police inquiry. 

File photo of Britain's Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson speaking on a mobile phone as he arrives at 10 Downing Street. He's been sacked over the leak of details of a plan to use Huawei to build the UK's 5G network.

File photo of Britain's Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson speaking on a mobile phone as he arrives at 10 Downing Street. He's been sacked over the leak of details of a plan to use Huawei to build the UK's 5G network. Photo: AFP

10:05 Talking to the haters. Jamali Maddix

Jamali Maddix

Jamali Maddix Photo: comedyfestival.co.nz

The comedian and host of Viceland's 'Hate Thy Neighbor' documentary series, Jamali Maddix, is about to make his debut here as part of the NZ International Comedy Festival. Kathryn Ryan talks to him about his no holds barred brand of comedy and his experiences of traveling the world of hate to meet extremists.

Jamali Maddix is performing at the NZ International Comedy Festival at tonight's Comedy Gala in Auckland and then with his solo hour 'Vape Lord' gig at Q Theatre on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th May.

10:35 Book review - Slippery Jim or Patriotic Statesman? by R.J. Bunce​

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Photo: Otago University Press

Jonathan West reviews Slippery Jim or Patriotic Statesman? James Macandrew of Otago by R.J. Bunce, published by Otago University Press.

10:45 The Reading

The Sound of Butterflies by Rachael King read by Elizabeth McRae. Part 5 of 11.

11:05 Facebook's privacy overhaul, yeah right?

Technology commentator Bill Bennett looks at the changes being promised by Mark Zuckerberg over the company's approach to privacy - and why making a joke about it fell flat. Spark Sport has another slip up - is it a sign of something more ominous and why Samsung's folding phone woes demonstrate a wider company management culture problem.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers the opening keynote introducing new Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram privacy features.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers the opening keynote introducing new Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram privacy features. Photo: AFP

11:25 The argument for adolescence to extend to age 24

Susan Sawyer is a Professor of Adolescent Health at the University of Melbourne and a practising paediatrician. She talks to Kathryn about whether the age range for adolescence is too narrowly defined. She believes adolescence should be up to 24 years old .Throughout the world, youth and health agencies differ on the the age group that qualifies as adolescence.

Professor Susan Sawyer

Professor Susan Sawyer Photo: supplied by Susan Sawyer

11:45 Bye bye Game of Thrones and Avengers

Film and TV reviewer Sarah McMullan looks at the end of an era for two big hitting series - the first, the Avengers film series and the second, Game of Thrones. She'll also look at two new TV series, Bonding and Quicksand.

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Photo: IMDb