Nine To Noon for Thursday 1 August 2019
09:05 Southern DHB under fire for 'ignoring' report recommendations
Samples of a colon biopsy to be sent to a laboratory. Photo: A. BENOIST / BSIP
Is it time for a public inquiry into Southern DHB's treatment of bowel cancer patients? Christchurch surgeon Phil Bagshaw, the co-author of a damning audit says the response to major failures isn't good enough. After an audit of 20 cases, half showed undue delays with picking up bowel cancer symptoms or giving treatment. Mr Bagshaw now claims that the DHB is turning its backs on promises to overhaul its procedures on the back of his report.
09:20 Impose interest rate cap on loan sharks: consumer advocate
Photo: Wikimedia commons
A law change intended to protect vulnerable borrowers does not go far enough, according to an Australian leading advocate for consumer finance rights. The Credit Contracts Legislation Amendment bill is part of the government's plan to crack down on loan sharks, who can apply interest rates of up to 500 per cent or more a year. It puts a limit on the total interest and fees on high cost loans to 100 per cent of the original loan principal - but it stops short of imposing an interest rate cap. Gerard Brody is the CEO of Consumer Action which is the principal advocate for consumer finance rights in Australia.
09:45 Boris' tour of the UK and Dubai's princess goes to court
UK correspondent Harriet Line joins Kathryn to talk about Boris Johnson's first week of his premiership and his tour of the UK from Scotland to Wales and Northern Ireland, all the while insisting Britain will be out of the EU by Halloween. She'll also talk about the case of Princess Haya and her legal battle with her husband, the ruler of Dubai, over a forced marriage protection order in relation to her children.
Princess Haya Bint al-Hussein of Jordan leaves the Royal Courts of Justice in London on July 31, 2019. Photo: AFP
10:05 Monique Fiso's Capital Kai
New Zealand chef Monique Fiso is known for firing up Māori and Polynesian cuisine with hāngī pop-ups and innovative kai, rarely seen on most restaurant menus. She talks to Kathryn Ryan about her Wellington restaurant, Hiakai, staring on Netflix's The Final Table and her upcoming Visa Wellington On A Plate collaborations.
10:35 Book review - Expectation by Anna Hope
Photo: Transworld Publishers
Tamsin Martin of Scorpio Books reviews Expectation by Anna Hope, which is published by Transworld Publishers.
A look at the changing friendship between three women as they move from their carefree twenties into their late thirties - when life hasn’t turned out as imagined. An absorbing read that may feel all too familiar!
10:45 The Reading
Part 9 of of Pearly Gates by Owen Marshall read by Gavin Rutherford.
11:05 New technology with Peter Griffin
Tech commentator joins Kathryn to talk about this morning's announcement from Vodafone. The company was bought for $3.4 billion by Infratil and Canadian company Brookfield Asset Management and the new owners take control of the company today. What's set to change?
11:25 Selfie harm? Teens manipulating their own image
Kathryn talks with Auckland writer and body positivity campaigner and educator Angela Barnett who says the number of teens manipulating their own images using smartphone apps is on the rise. The apps photos to be tweaked to achieve blemish free skin and model-like features. Angela is the founder of the website FABIK, and of the Pretty Smart talks which she delivers in schools to 11 to 15 year olds.
11:45 Funny As, The Boys and My Father's Kingdom
Film and TV reviewer Chris Schulz looks at documentary Funny As: A history of New Zealand Comedy, new offering The Boys from Amazon which has two Kiwis in leading roles and For My Father's Kingdom, a documentary that focuses on the tithing system in Tonga.
Photo: IMDb