09:05 Waikato University academics unhappy at on-line only lectures

Informatics workshop at university. Rear view of students sitting and listening in lecture hall doing practical tasks on their laptops.

Photo: 123RF

The Tertiary Education Union will meet with Waikato University's Vice Chancellor Neil Quigley today over  the university’s decision to deliver lectures online only for the rest of the year. Some academics have reacted with confusion and frustration saying the move has been poorly communicated. Shane Vugler is TEU branch organiser at the University of Waikato.

09:25 End of Life Choice: interviews with doctors & the terminally ill

Close up medical doctor holding elderly female's trembling hands

Photo: 123RF

Palliative care specialist and Otago University senior lecturer Janine Winters and PhD candidate Jessica Young discuss their latest research on attitudes to assisted-dying from the point of view of euthanasia doctors in Canada and a small group of New Zealanders with terminal illness and a life expectancy of about one year.

09:45 UK lockdown eases, but questions remain over test and trace

UK correspondent Harriet Line joins Kathryn to talk about the easing of lockdown restrictions in England, with pubs, cinemas and restaurants all set to open next week. But there are concerns about whether new outbreaks will be able to be tested and traced. And for those missing the ability to travel, the UK has been basking in some glorious weather.

Sun-seekers cool off in the water and sunbathe on the riverbank at Hackney Marshes in east London on June 24, 2020, as temperatures reached 31 degrees.

 Sun-seekers cool off in the water and sunbathe on the riverbank at Hackney Marshes in east London yesterday, as temperatures reached 31 degrees. Photo: AFP

10:05 Scandal and self isolation with the ghost of Edith Wharton

Physical distancing, pandemic politics and a looming financial crash. It sounds contemporary, but it is also the world that novelist and poet Edith Wharton found herself in writing and living through the 1920s and 1930s. New Zealand novelist Phillipa Swann's new book The Night of All Souls is an exploration of Wharton's life told through her own eyes. Once in the afterlife Edith is summoned to a room filled with people from her life and instructed to read aloud her unpublished memoir. While this Philippa's first novel, she has been writing for decades for books and magazines and her original training was as a landscape gardener. 

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Photo: RNZ

10:35 Book review - The Museum of Forgotten Memories by Anstey Harris

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Photo: Simon & Schuster

Catriona Ferguson reviews The Museum of Forgotten Memories by Anstey Harris, published by Simon & Schuster.

10:45 The Reading

Up The Olive Tree, part 4. Written and read by Venetia Sherson.

11:05 Chips down for Intel and Facebook boycott gathers pace

Technology commentator Mark Pesce joins Kathryn to look at the situation for Intel. Its chips have been dropped by Apple, and the company is being crushed by TSMC, which is making the chips for the next generation of smartphones. Mark will also talk about how advertisers are piling on the pressure to get Facebook to change its hate speech policies.

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Photo: 123RF

11:25 Is your child a fussy eater? Tips for parents

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Photo: 123RF

For parents of picky eaters, mealtimes can turn the kitchen table into more of a battleground. Judith Yeabsley describes herself as a "picky eating consultant" and has written a book called Creating Confident Eaters. It's designed to help parents of children at both ends of the "picky" spectrum - from fussy toddlers to kids with significant food challenges. 

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Photo: Supplied

11:45 365 Days, Rosie, The Booksellers

Film and TV review Sarah McMullan looks at the Netflix success of 365 Days, Rosie - a film about a mother in Ireland struggling with homelessness and The Booksellers, a documentary about rare bookshop owners in New York, and the Whanau Marama NZIFF 2020 programme

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Photo: IMDb

Music played in this show

Artist: Moon Duo 
Song: Flying 
Time: 10.44am 

Artist: Solar Rosa & Bajka 
Song: Humanised 
Time: 10.35am 

Artist: Gregory Porter 
Song: Revival 
Time: 11.30am