09:05 Poverty plunge looms when Covid subsidy ends: Salvation Army

Warm food for the poor and homeless.

Photo: 123rf.com

The Salvation Army is warning of a sudden plunge into poverty for nearly half a million people who are currently receiving the Covid wage subsidy. 437,000 people are receiving the extended wage subsidy of $490 per week, but that comes off on September 1, and anyone still needing income assistance would apply for the Jobseeker benefit, at around $250 per week. The Salvation Army, which has just published its latest Social Impact Dashboard says this will mean a sudden and extreme drop into poverty for many. Lynn speaks with Ian Hutson the Salvation Army's Director of Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit.

09:20 Mapping covid-19 in the Pacific

While some island nations, which have been spared the pandemic are keen for travel to open up from New Zealand, researchers at the Australian National University have created an interactive map showing where there have been outbreaks. The map tracks Pacific responses to the coronavirus and aids analysis at what is working and what isn't - and also the risks of a major outbreak in the region, as the virus continues to spread in some parts of the world. It provides a snapshot of local responses, aimed at providing insights for researchers, residents and public servants. Professor Meg Keen is the director of the Australia Pacific Security College at ANU.

09:35 Wallaby control - stop them spreading throughout NZ

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Photo: Supplied

Environmental advocates are calling for more research and training to prevent wallabies spreading throughout the south and north islands.  Two species, 'Bennetts' in the South Island and 'Dama' in the North Island are regarded as a pest. Six Bennett wallabies eat as much pasture as a sheep.  Forest and Bird describes them as "giant rabbits" in terms of their impact on farmers.  Concerned they'll spread throughout the country, it is calling for investment in community training, special wallaby dogs and a greater awareness of how easily they can move from one region to another. Lynn Freeman is joined by iwi environmental management consultant Tame Malcolm, who runs school holiday training programmes on Ngāti Tarawhai marae and Forest and Bird Central North Island regional manager Rebecca Stirnemann. 

09:45 USA correspondent Ron Elving

The US enters a new phase of Covid-19 infection in both urban and rural areas as the pandemic relief package for Americans lapses.

A man wearing protective facemask amid fears of the spread of the Covid-19 novel coronavirus, on March 15, New York City, USA.

Photo: AFP

Ron Elving is Senior Editor and Correspondent on the Washington Desk for NPR News.

10:05 Derek Grzelewski: catch lots of trout and enjoy the view

10:35 Book review - Death in Her Hands by Ottessa Moshfegh

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Photo: Penguin Books New Zealand

Kiran Dass of Time Out Bookstore reviews Death in Her Hands by Ottessa Moshfegh, published by Penguin Random House.

10:45 The Reading

Where the Rekohu Bone Sings by Tina Makereti  
Read  by George Henare, Maria Walker & Kura Forrester Part 12

11:05 Business commentator Rebecca Stevenson

Rebecca talks to Lynn Freeman about the Government's strategy to save tourism. Also the Australian venture capitalist Mark Carnegie, who has now made New Zealand his permanent home, says our looming tax deficit could be paid by rich people keen to move here.

The Routeburn flat walk in the South Island.

Photo: Guided Walks NZ / Ngai Tahu Tourism

Rebecca Stevenson is BusinessDesk's Auckland bureau chief.

11:30 5G. Harnessing the power of Kiwi ingenuity

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Photo: Qi Yang

The next-generation of wireless communication networks is expected to unleash a massive internet of things ecosystem, serving the needs of billions of connected devices, and Spark wants ingenious New Zealand companies to get amongst it. Spark is funding a four-month programme to find, and bring to life, the most innovative 5G ideas with a total of $625,000 up for grabs as well as mentoring and support.

Serhad Doken from 5G Labs & Ecosystems at American telecommunications company Verizon is one of the panelists who will be selecting the winners. Applications for the 5G Starter Fund close on August 16th.

11:45 Media commentator Andrew Holden

Andrew Holden is a journalist for more than 30 years including five as Editor of The Press (in Christchurch) and four as Editor-in-Chief of The Age in Melbourne. 

Music played in this show

Artist: Fenne Lily 
Song: Alapathy