Preparing our kids for the wild world of the internet
Are we paying enough attention to giving our children the ability to sort out what's real and what's not in the murky depths of the internet?
Preparing our kids for the wild world of the internet
A claim we're not paying enough attention to giving our children the ability to sort out what's real and what's not in the murky depths of the internet. Audio
Children to be asked what they think would make the internet safer
Save the Children and Netsafe launched the anonymous online questionnaire to coincide with Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children's Day.
Russian, Chinese intelligence recruiting disgruntled US national security employees
Russian and Chinese intelligence services have ramped up recruitment of US federal employees working in national security, targeting those who have been fired or feel they could be soon.
Censorship fears over revamp at internet watchdog
Opponents of a review of InternetNZ's constitution are planning a takeover, saying the not-for profit is setting itself up as internet judge and jury.
Off-shore online stores, Temu and Shein, a 'significant worry' for retailers
Overseas online transactions are growing at a faster rate than domestic, with statistics showing we spent more than 6 billion online last year. Audio
Would owning the rights to our face and voice reduce deepfake's harm?
Analysis - Not that long ago, the term "deepfake" wasn't in most people's vocabularies. Now, it is not only commonplace but is also the focus of intense legal scrutiny around the world.
10th anniversary of the dress that stopped the internet
Ten years ago, Cates Holderness was working at BuzzFeed on their Tumblr page and she made a post titled "What Colors Are This Dress?" The post sparked an international debate over the color scheme of… Audio
Kidfluencers - not all toys and joys
Strong parental control seems to be the key to keeping insta-famous and highly visible YouTube kids safe.
Dark questions over child video stars
Strong parental control seems to be the key to keeping insta-famous and highly visible YouTube kids safe. Audio
The disinformation rollercoaster
The president, the tech oligarchs, the media and AI - why we can expect a new wave of information you just can't trust.
A step up in fake news
The president, the tech oligarchs, the media and AI - why we can expect a new wave of information you just can't trust Audio
'My way of cleaning up one little corner of the internet'
Psychologist and TikTok sensation, Britain's Dr Julie Smith breaks down complex ideas about how our mind works into simple and creative snack-size viral videos. Audio
The US TikTok ban and security concerns: What you need to know
Explainer - Why is TikTok seen as a bigger security risk than other social media platforms? Audio
Thailand cuts power to giant scam site operations in Myanmar
Thailand has cut electricity supplies to areas in Myanmar home to internet sites that are part of a global, billion-dollar scam industry.
Online disinformation sowing discontent in Syria
Former allies and self-declared enemies of Syria's ousted president Bashar al-Assad are flooding the country's digital space with disinformation aimed at destabilising the fragile new order by… Audio
NZ innovators using AI traps in fight against pests
Artificial intelligence is making conservation efforts faster and easier in the fight for total pest eradication, with new traps able to tell predator from protected species.
How secure is New Zealand against quantum computing?
Financial institutions say they are working on the cybersecurity threats posed by quantum computing - including the potential to break common encryption systems which use passwords to protect data and…
Y2Q: The threat coming fast that could hit all our devices
Explainer: It's quickly emerging as the world's next 'Y2K moment', with potential to open up devices from door locks to data.
Y2Q: The threats posed by mega-powerful quantum computers
The country's biggest institutions are working on an emerging risk to the security of digital assets and critical infrastructure.