Nine To Noon for Tuesday 1 November 2022
09:05 What more do we know about the future for Ruapehu Alpine Lifts?
It's nearly three weeks since administrators were called in to oversee Ruapehu Alpine Lifts, so what's happening now? RAL which runs the Whakapapa and Turoa skifields on the mountain, put itself into voluntary administration owing tens of millions of dollars. It blames the pandemic, coupled with this winter's terrible ski season. The government has knocked back any suggestion of a further bailout -beyond the $15m in loans made to RAL since 2018. John Fisk of PWC is one of two administrators tasked with trying to salvage the business.
Skiiers on the Rockgarden at Whakapapa Ski Field, Mt Ruapehu in 2018. Photo: Natalia Catalina / 123RF
09:30 Pest Detective: Wilderlab takes out top biosecurity award
Wilderlab took out the Supreme Award at MPI's annual Biosecurity Awards last night. Wilderlab monitors thousands of kilometers of our waterways for tens of thousands of species every week. Thanks to powerful and portable new e-DNA testing kits, early detections of rare and invasive organisms have lead to successful eradications. All from just a cup or two of water. Community scientists, Regional Councils and DOC are among those using the tech to combat biodiversity and biosecurity challenges. Kathryn speaks with Shaun Wilkinson, principal scientist and founder of the Wellington-based environmental DNA testing lab, who is calling for a national conservation and biosecurity pest-monitoring programme.
09:45 USA correspondent Ron Elving
Photo: AFP
Prosecutors have charged a Canadian citizen in a hammer-attack on the husband of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. And as Elon Musk's Twitter takeover is complete, Ron says Elon Musk has already begun to abuse it, retweeting a link to a scabrous and false report about the attack on Paul Pelosi. Meanwhile the Democrats are bearing the brunt of bad feelings over inflation and other economic issues. Ron also ponders whether Joe Biden will pull the the plug on his own re-election campaign relatively soon.
Ron Elving is Senior Editor and Correspondent on the Washington Desk for NPR News.
10:05 The hunt for Ernest Shackleton 's Endurance under the Antarctic ice
Photo: supplied
In February this year, the Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton's ship Endurance was found, three thousand metres under the icy Weddell Sea - 107 years after it sank. The British maritime archaeologist Mensun Bound, along with a large team of scientists, meteorologists, engineers and dive specialists found the ship still still in remarkably good condition. For Bound, the search for Shackleton's ship was the culmination of a lifetime fascination with the explorer and his Antarctic expeditions. He speaks to Kathryn about his new book, The Ship Beneath The Ice.
10:35 Book review: Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux
Photo: Fitzcarraldo Editions
Kiran Dass reviews Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux, published by Fitzcarraldo Editions
10:45 The Reading
11:05 Business commentator Rebecca Stevenson
Rebecca talks to Kathryn about how Inland Revenue collected an extra $33 million from international firms as part of a campaign to keep COVID-19 wage subsidy money in New Zealand and there are changes on the horizon for competition law - what will it involve?
Photo: Supplied
Rebecca Stevenson is a senior writer at
11:30 A peek into other people's houses
In photographer Jane Ussher's latest book, she has turned her lens on the diverse and eclectic interiors of New Zealand homes. Over a two year period she shot more than 300 pictures which have ended up in the hardback book - Rooms - Portraits of remarkable New Zealand interiors. They are from homes from Mangonui in the Far North, to Dunedin and showcase a diverse range of decorating styles and homes.
11:45 Sport: What's happening in the world of football?
Sports commentator Steve Holloway joins Kathryn to talk about the women's draw for the World Cup, throw forward to the start of the men's World Cup in Qatar later this month and find out what's going on with the All White's coach. He'll also touch on what's happening in the EPL and New Zealand's national league.
Steve Holloway is Premium sports editor at NZME, former NZ national league footballer and co-host of the Between Two Beers podcast.