15 Oct 2014

Building industry crying out for apprentice builders and associated trades

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 15 October 2014

Ruma Karaitiana is the Chief Executive of BCITO - Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation and Mark Cochrane owns MJC Construction Limited. The BCITO was appointed by Government to set standards and develop qualifications for the building and construction industry in New Zealand. The building industry is going through a period of expansion and says there's an ever growing need for apprentices, but the demand far outweighs the supply. There are currently 9000 apprentices in training spread across the construction industry and associated trades. The Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation says a further 3000 are needed to fulfil the demand for qualified builders in the short term. BCITO Chief Executive Ruma Karaitiana says there is a constant stream of builders looking out for potential apprentices - in part fueled by a leap in residential building consent from 32,000 in the year to June 2011 to 44,000 in the latest June year.

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