4 Nov 2014

How to deal with regretful jihadists who want to come home

From Nine To Noon, 9:25 am on 4 November 2014

The United Nations is warning that foreign fighters are flocking to Iraq and Syria on an unprecedented scale. A number of countries, including Australia, are considering or have put in place measures to punish those who go to fight. Cabinet in New Zealand is considering such measures, and policy measures are also likely to form part of a November 5 speech by Prime Minister John Key. But other countries, including Britain, have also faced the problem of what to do when wannabe jihadists get to Iraq and Syria, regret their decision, and want to come home with no repercussions. Raffaello Pantucci is Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute in London. His work focuses on counter-terrorism and radicalization issues.