24 Dec 2014

Flat 3 creator and actor talk about the popular webseries

From Nine To Noon, 10:05 am on 24 December 2014

One of the breakout successes of New Zealand TV in 2014 hasn't been on TV at all - it's a webseries. Flat 3 is a little bit Flight of the Conchords, a little bit Lena Dunham's Girls, and tells the story of three Kiwi Chinese girls who are flatting together in their 20s. Its third and final season, funded to the tune of $100 000 by New Zealand on Air, has proved subversive, touching, and very funny. Kathryn is joined by the series' director, writer, and co-producer, Roseanne Liang, and one of the actors and co-producers, Perlina Lau.

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