2 Feb 2015

Kasey and Karena Bird on Maori cuisine

From Nine To Noon, 11:32 am on 2 February 2015

Kasey and Karena Bird

Kasey and Karena Bird, the winners of last year's Masterchef competition, are the new food editors of Mana Magazine, where their recipes will focus on Māori and Pacific flavours.

The sisters, from Maketu in the Bay of Plenty were popular winners of Masterchef, maintaining a sense of humour despite the gruelling competition. The judges were impressed by their advanced cooking skills at such a young age. Their prize included a cookbook deal, which is due out in April.

They talk about their hectic life since their win and their passion for Māori cuisine.

Recipe: Horopito Pork Belly with Smoked Mash and Cavolo Nero Pork.

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