2 Mar 2016

Incredible Edible takes root in Geraldine

From Nine To Noon, 11:28 am on 2 March 2016

Fruit trees and vegetable plots are creating an edible landscape in a Canterbury town.

Part Incredible Edible movement, where community gardens are not just relegated to a back block of a town, Geraldine has a network of gardens and other spots where food is grown.

Incredible Edible founder and food activist Pam Warhurst visited the town as part of a tour of New Zealand to see how the movement has taken root here.

Rebecca Lees from Incredible Edible Geraldine took Warhurst on a tour of the work her group is doing.

She says the approach her group takes is different from what’s happening in the movement’s birthplace in Britain.

“It’s all about growing food everywhere,” she says. Rather than having one site, they have sites all over the town, which can be found on an online map. 

“It’s about bringing food back to the centre of our communities, the centre of our villages and our towns.”

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