James Portnow is a video game developer and writer for the Extra Credits YouTube series about the role of games in society.
He says that video gaming is not supposed to be a babysitter, but can be a great way of bonding.
“As long as you are there with the child while they are doing this activity.”
He says that a child will get huge amount from a parent watching and asking them questions about the game and is an excellent way for them to examine the game and to learn.
Games can teach persistence - games reward you for sticking with them, repeatedly trying and failing and eventually succeeding, Portnow says.
They can also teach real world skills - communication, problem solving, spatial thinking, data and processing.
He says Pokemon Go is a great example of a game that can create a collaborative learning experience for families.
James Portnow talks to Kathryn Ryan about haw parents can utilise video games in learning and bonding with their children.
- Nine to Noon previously interveiwed James Portnow about the role of games in society and his own personal struggle with video game addiction and have invited him back on the show to talk about how parents should deal with computer games - especially if they aren't gamers themselves.