12 Mar 2018

Slashing carbon emissions in healthcare

From Nine To Noon, 9:36 am on 12 March 2018

Counties Manukau DHB has reduced its carbon emissions by 21 per cent since 2012. This has happened through a number of measures including the use of reusable cups, commuter ride share programmes, using different anaesthetic gases and better recycling. That's been a saving of $500,000 in direct costs for CMDHB. Dr David Galler has been part of the team researching how to cut emissions at the DHB and on achieving a carbon neutral status by 2050. He joins Kathryn to talk about how this could be possible for the entire healthcare sector in New Zealand. Dr Galler is a member of the Orataiao the New Zealand Climate and Health Council, which is a group of health professionals calling for urgent action on climate change.

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