21 May 2019

Mining company : "We have good motives here"

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 21 May 2019

The overseas mining company seeking to expand its operation next to a fossil rich geological site of international significance in Otago, says it has good motives, and is surprised by the negative reaction. Plaman Resources is 50.9% owned by the Mayasian business Iris Corp, and 49% owned by two Australian businessmen.  It has a permit to mine diatomite in Middlemarch at Foulden Maar  - a 23-million-year-old crater lake at Middlemarch - and is seeking permission to buy the neighbouring property to expand the mine.  The diatomite is brand named "Black Pearl" and sold as stock feed. The plan has run into strong opposition from some locals,  concerned scientists and former Prime Minister Helen Clark. Kathryn talks with co-founder and CEO of Plaman Resources, Peter Plakadis.

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