22 May 2019

Octopus farm, bacteria-busting viruses and old bedbugs

From Nine To Noon, 11:48 am on 22 May 2019

11:45 Octopus farm, bacteria-busting viruses and old bedbugs

Science commentator Siouxsie Wiles looks at why researchers believe we shouldn't farm octopuses, how a 15-year-old cystic fibrosis patient had her chronic infection treated using genetically-engineered bacteria-busting viruses and bedbugs are 50 million years older than previously thought.

Bed bugs are now believed to have evolved 100 million years ago.

Bed bugs are now believed to have evolved 100 million years ago. Photo: 123RF/smith_mailbox@yahoo.com

Associate Professor Dr Siouxsie Wiles is the head of Bioluminescent Superbugs Lab at the University of Auckland.



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