4 Jul 2019

Councils can't cope: Productivity Commission

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 4 July 2019
The Waiho Bridge has been totally taken out by the weather hitting Westland.

The Waiho Bridge has been totally taken out by the weather hitting Westland. Photo: Civil Defence West Coast

Local councils dealing with climate change, and struggling with overloaded infrastructure and high visitor numbers need better financial support - according to a new report from the Productivity Commission.  The report says New Zealand's population has grown by about 30% in the last twenty years, but this growth has not been evenly distributed. The report makes 50 recommendations including a bed tax in some tourist areas, more user charges for basic council services such as water and the establishment of a climate-resilience agency and associated fund. Lynn talks with Dr Judy Lawrence of Victoria University's Climate Change Research Institute, and Chris Roberts, Chief Executive of the Tourism Industry Aotearoa.

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