8 Aug 2019

Navigating the new porn landscape

From Nine To Noon, 11:25 am on 8 August 2019
Teenage boy in a bedroom listening to music through his smartphone.

Photo: 123RF

More young people than ever before are accessing pornography, and with more frequency, according to research by the Office of Film and Literature Classification.

A survey of 14 to 17 year olds last year found 75% of boys and 58% of girls under 17 have seen porn, and a quarter of them had done so at 12 or younger. 

The Light Project is a charitable trust set up by a small team of sexual and public health experts to help youth, families, schools and wider communities to positively navigate the new porn landscape.

Research and training lead for The Light Project, Jo Robertson, talks to Kathryn about the impacts and how parents can talk to teens about the new porn landscape.