23 Aug 2019

Will Hong Kong 'dialogue' restore calm or is it a trap?

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 23 August 2019
More than one million people took the streets in Hong Kong to protest the controversial extradition law. Could AI help count the crowds more accurately?

Photo: AFP

Hong Kong protesters have rejected Chief Executive Carrie Lam's offer to start a dialogue in a bid to heal the rift between the government and protestors, calling it a trap.

Among the five demands of the protesters are the full withdrawal of the Extradition Bill and an independent probe into alleged police brutality. Kathryn Ryan discusses with Joshua Wong a Hong Kong student activist and secretary-general of pro-democracy party Demosistō.

He first rose to international prominence during the 2014 Hong Kong protests, for his pivotal role in the Umbrella Movement. He has been jailed for his part in protests on two occasions.

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