3 Oct 2019

The Keys are in the Margarine: A play about dementia

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am on 3 October 2019

It's estimated more than 60,000 people are living with dementia in New Zealand, and that's expected to triple by 2050. It's only an estimate though, as no study into the prevalence of dementia here has ever been conducted.

The Keys are in the Margarine is a  play touring New Zealand at the moment that aims to shed light on the realities of living with, or being affected by, dementia. It's documentary or verbatim theatre, created from interviews with dementia sufferers, their caregivers, family and doctors.

Kathryn is joined by Cindy Diver, who and acts in the play and Cliff Abraham, who's the  co-director of Brain Research New Zealand.

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Photo: Supplied

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