4 Dec 2019

Pier pressure: Ports of Auckland boss on possible move

From Nine To Noon, 9:09 am on 4 December 2019
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Photo: POAL, 123RF

Ports of Auckland says moving its operations will have a significant financial impact on Aucklanders. The final of three reports prepared for the government on shifting the Port by the Upper North Island Supply Chain Strategy is expected to go to Cabinet's development committee today, with a possible decision by Cabinet before Christmas. The report, which Nine to Noon has sighted, recommended shifting "most or all" of the Port's freight operations to Northport near Whangarei, while retaining  and modernising the cruise ship terminal, rejuvenating the main trunk line north,  and building a new inland freight hub. But the Ports of Auckland has this morning released an economic impact study from NZIER prepared for Auckland Council, which it says shows the true cost of NOT having a port in Auckland. Ports of Auckland CEO Tony Gibson joins Kathryn to discuss.

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