16 Apr 2020

Patrick Gale: Family secrets, hidden lives

From Nine To Noon, 10:15 am on 16 April 2020
Patrick Gale

Patrick Gale Photo: supplied

British novelist Patrick Gale is the author of 19 books, including 'Rough Music', 'A Perfectly Good Man',  the Costa-nominated 'A Place Called Winter' and the emmy award winning TV drama, 'Man in an Orange Shirt' - inspired by his father's love for another man.

His latest novel, 'Take Nothing With You' is about coming of age and the power of music, and is also somewhat lifted from his life and passion for the modern and baroque cello.

Patrick Gale, was due to come to the Auckland Writers Festival, which was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19.

He talks to Kathryn Ryan

cover of the book "Take Nothing With You"

Photo: Supplied

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