20 Apr 2020

Lifting their game: Jody Hamilton & Tyler Taurima-Brown

From Nine To Noon, 10:06 am on 20 April 2020
Jody Hamilton & Tyler Taurima-Brown

Jody Hamilton & Tyler Taurima-Brown Photo: Supplied

Kathryn meets two people who've been doing everything they can to help young people in the Hawke's Bay get up on their feet. Jody Hamilton set up the social enterprise Lift, which connects rangatahi and helps them into meaningful work.

One in five young people in Hawkes Bay are neither in education, employment or training - the highest rate in the country. In the past two-and-a-half years, Lift has worked with almost six hundred young people, who get life skills training through Bounce, one of the programmes offered by the social enterprise.

Local employers have fronted up with more than sixty-five jobs. The LIFT office is currently closed for lock-down but Jody is continuing to work with rangatahi remotely.

Kathryn chats with Jody and 17 year old Tyler Taurima-Brown, who's life changed after going through the Bounce programme, and is now running courses there herself.

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