13 May 2020

Our national airline - up in the air?

From Nine To Noon, 9:09 am on 13 May 2020

As domestic travel takes off in alert level two, as of Thursday, what confidence can customers have in our national airline and what is the likely cascade effect on the wider tourism industry of uncertainty with air travel?

Air New Zealand has refused to refund flights cancelled due to lockdown, instead offering credits for unfulfilled bookings.

There will be 20 per cent fewer domestic flights, with fewer seats available but at higher prices -  so where do Air NZ passengers stand?

Chief Executive of Tourism Industry Aotearoa Chris Roberts, CEO of Consumer NZ  Jon Duffy and independent aviation commentator Irene King discuss with Kathryn Ryan.  

Air NZ  has repeatedly declined an invitation to interview.

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Photo: RNZ/123RF

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