6 Aug 2020

Does vape legislation go far enough?

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 6 August 2020
Vaping flavored e-liquid from an electronic cigarette in a car

Photo: 123RF

Under a new law passed by parliament last night, vaping will be banned in workplaces, and advertising and sponsorships related to vaping products will be prohibited, along with the sale of vaping products to those under 18 years old. 

The bill also limits generic retailers such as dairies, service stations and supermarkets to selling only three flavours. The vape industry says it's relieved the law change doesn't go further.

But public health professor at the University of Otago, Janet Hoek, says vape products should be restricted to specialist retailers only. Lynn also talks with Dr Stuart Jones, the medical director of the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation. 

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