26 Aug 2020

Departing nursing head on CDHB funding cuts, 'divisive' board

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 26 August 2020
Protesters gather outside of the Canterbury Health Board corporate office on 20 August.

Protesters gather outside of the Canterbury Health Board corporate office on 20 August. Photo: RNZ / Katie Todd

The outgoing Director of Nursing at Canterbury District Health Board speaks out about her departure, and the looming $16 million of funding cuts for nurses.

In its annual plan the DHB will slash $13 million in nursing staff costs, and will reduce by two thirds the jobs previously available for newly qualified nurses  - which equates to another $3.5 million. 

Other cuts will come for senior medical staff and community services. 

In total nearly $57 million of savings across the DHB have been agreed to get a $180 million deficit down, but the Crown Monitor Lester Levy insists there will be no reduction in services.

Mary Gordon - who is also responsible for the move to the new Christchurch hospital - is one of seven senior executives who have resigned in the space of a few weeks, resulting in public protests.

Kathryn also talks with the New Zealand Nurses Organisation's Kate Weston.

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