25 Mar 2021

New Te Huia train service: Why the mobility scooter ban?

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 25 March 2021

A new commuter train service, Te Huia, is set to take to the tracks in the next two weeks linking the Waikato and Auckland.

Two trains will leave Hamilton's Frankton station early in the morning and travel through to Papakura -  a journey of 98 minutes - with return services from Papakura in the evening.

 A change of train is required at Papakura if commuters want to connect to the Auckland metro network to get further into the city.

The five-year trial service is run by the Waikato Regional Council and will get a VIP test today by the Prime Minister.

However, there's disappointment that the service will not be able to accommodate mobility scooters, there's limited spaces available for manual and power wheelchair users and any disability concession will only apply to Waikato residents.

Kathryn discusses concerns with Bret Nielsen from Age Concern Hamilton and Andrew Wilson,  Public Transport Operations Manager for the Waikato Regional Council.

The new Hamilton to Auckland passenger train service called Te Huia will start in early April 2021.

Photo: Supplied / Waikato Regional Council