26 Mar 2021

The sound of global endangered habitats and wildlife

From Nine To Noon, 10:08 am on 26 March 2021

For three decades sound designer and naturalist Doug Quin has traversed the globe recording natural soundscapes, with special attention on endangered and disappearing habitats, making field recordings in remote parts of the world including the Arctic, the Amazon and Antarctica. 

Professor Quin's day job is teaching at Syracuse University in New York in the department of Television, Radio and Film, but his expertise is also in demand for a range of projects, involving contemporary music, gaming soundtracks, museum exhibit design and conservation bodies.

He has also worked in film -  including Jurassic Park III and Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers  - and he created the sound design for the Academy Award-nominated film, Encounters at the End of the World.

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