4 Aug 2021

Journalist Jessica Mudditt on her time in Myanmar

From Nine To Noon, 10:10 am on 4 August 2021

Jessica Mudditt had the opportunity to live and work in Myanmar, during a brief window of history when it opened up to the world and experimented with democracy.

She and her then-husband Sherpa travelled to Myanmar in 2012 following a three-year stint in Bangladesh, when she was offered a job at The Myanmar Times.

At the time the military junta had eased its grip on the country and had allowed for some democratic reforms, including the release of pro-democracy leader Aung Sun Suu Kyi from house arrest.

Jessica worked through the momentous openly-contested elections in 2015, which delivered a landslide victory to  Aung Sun Suu Kyi's party.

She's documented this in her book Our Home in Myanmar and joins Kathryn to talk about why they had to leave.

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Photo: Supplied

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