25 Aug 2021

Pasifika community hard hit by Delta variant

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am on 25 August 2021
Ōtara Covid-19 Testing Station on Thursday 13 August

Photo: RNZ / Dan Cook

More than half of the current 148 community cases of the delta variant of Covid-19 are among Pasifika whanau. 

The Assemblies of God Church of Samoa in Mangere is the largest sub-cluster.

Pasifika community groups and health services are rallying to offer support, as hundreds of other families deemed contacts are in strict self-isolation. 

Early on in the pandemic the Pasifika community was identified as high risk and vulnerable and there were calls for a broad roll out of the vaccine in South Auckland in particular.

Dr Maryann Heather is  a GP at South Seas clinic in Otara and also a member of the Pasifka Medical Association.