10 Sep 2021

Is it safe for Auckland's early childhood centres to open at level 3?

From Nine To Noon, 9:15 am on 10 September 2021

Should early childhood centres be allowed to open in Auckland when the region reaches alert level 3? 

Early childhood education centres are currently required to open at level 3, if there is demand from parents who are essential workers and need to return to work.

Official guidelines allow for this, but a public health expert specialising in early childhood education says daycare centres are the second highest risk environment for transmission of Delta, after MIQ facilities.

Dr Mike Bedford, ECE researcher and Massey University senior tutor says it's irresponsible to force all daycare facilities to open at Level 3.

Lynn also speaks with Dr Darius Singh, the president of the Early Childhood Council and also runs daycare centres in Auckland and Tauranga. 

children sit on the mat at an early childhood centre

Photo: RNZ Insight/John Gerritsen

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