15 Oct 2021

Vaxathon - everyone rolling up their sleeves

From Nine To Noon, 9:09 am on 15 October 2021

The urgency to get more people vaccinated ramps up tomorrow with a blast from the past. The Super Saturday Vaxathon will see many rolling up their sleeves to persuade a further 100,000 eligible people to get a jab.

There'll be a shot-by-shot leader board, an Air New Zealand Dreamliner, donations to charity, free food and coffee and free rides to help get people there. 

Healthline is supporting the Vaxathon. It's had 1.4 million calls to its covid vaccination line since it was set up in February this year, and is giving people information to be vaccine-ready. 

Andrew Slater, the chief executive of Whakarongorau Aotearoa - which runs Healthline - speaks with Kathryn Ryan about its role in beating vaccine hesitancy. 

The Vaxathon will be broadcast on multiple platforms, including TV3, Māori Television, and Facebook from midday to early evening.

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Photo: TV3

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