9 Dec 2021

Stronger govt and business lead on climate needed - survey

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 9 December 2021
Extinction Rebellion members mourn what they called COP26's failure in Glasgow.

Extinction Rebellion members mourn what they called COP26's failure in Glasgow. Photo: AFP or licensors

Research in 10 countries, including New Zealand, into attitudes towards climate change finds individuals think they're doing enough but want better leadership from government and business.

The research firm Kantar Public conducted the research in late September in the US, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Singapore and New Zealand.

One thousand adults in each country were surveyed.

Across the board, respondents believe they are personally are more committed to combating climate change than their government or the business sector.

Kathryn speaks with Kantar Public New Zealand Research Director Edward Langley.

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