16 Mar 2022

From bird deaths to feather friendly: Wgtn's cable car building

From Nine To Noon, 11:35 am on 16 March 2022

Two years ago people started noticing dozens of dead and injured native birds at the top of the Wellington's famous cable car, in Kelburn. Kererū, kākāriki, and korimako were colliding with the huge glass walls of the terminal building, which sits on the flightpath between two significant bird habitats -the Botanic Gardens to the north and Zealandia to the south.

So the Urban Wildlife Trust came up with a solution: to cover 150 square meters of the glass with a system of feather friendly decals, designed in Canada, which alerts birds to the fact that they are flying toward a solid object. The Trust fundraised $15, 000  the project, which in collaboration with the Cable Car Company, has just been completed. Lynn Freeman speaks with Trust spokesperson Tony Stoddard and Chief Executive of the Wellington Cable Car company, Cesar Piotto.

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Photo: supplied

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