7 Apr 2022

Watching from space: keeping pests and diseases out of NZ

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 7 April 2022
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Photo: www.xerra.nz

Space-age efforts are underway to keep pests and diseases, including Covid, out of New Zealand.

MPI's recent Ko tātou Biosecurity Supreme Award Winner is Central Otago-based Xerra Earth Observation Institute

Xerra is tracking pests and viruses hitch-hiking on vessels here, observing them from up in space, helping the Ministry for Primary Industries perform risk assessments using satellite data. 

Xerra's Starboard Maritime Intelligence software gives a top of atmosphere view of Earth, providing complicated real-time analysis of ships' passages to front line biosecurity analysts at MPI. 

Senior Scientist at Xerra, Moritz Lehmann speaks with Kathryn.

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