19 Apr 2022

Listening to a world we can't see: Lawrence English

From Nine To Noon, 10:05 am on 19 April 2022
No caption

Photo: Greg Harm

For Australian artist, composer and curator Lawrence English listening is very different to hearing.

He is interested in "relational listening", the relationship between our internal thinking and the external sounds we are most interested in and tune into - and how to communicate that to an audience.

He has completed any number of field recordings, in Antarctica, the Amazon and many in New Zealand. These recordings have been released on various albums built around his environmental  recordings, released on his own label Room 40.

He tells Lynn Freeman that his current exhibition Site Listening:Brisbane celebrates attentive listening in a chosen location and showcases field recordings of environments and creatures around the world - taking their place alongside an ever-growing collection of recordings revealing the unheard sounds of our world.