10 May 2022

Congestion charge looks set for Auckland

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 10 May 2022

Auckland commuters could be paying to drive on inner-city roads in future, with the government expected to announce congestion pricing next week as part of its final Emissions Reduction Plan.

If it goes through, the charge could help reduce vehicle emissions by removing 12 per cent of traffic off the city's roads.

A 2020 report called the Congestion Question recommended higher charges for peak time periods, starting at $1.50 for off-peak, $2.50 during shoulder times, and $3.50 for peak periods, with the charges only applied once within a two-hour window regardless of distance travelled, and no charge between 7pm and 6am. 

Kathryn discusses the issue with Auckland mayor Phil Goff, Michael Barnett of the Chamber of Commerce and Editor of urban advocacy group, Greater Auckland, Matt Lowrie.

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Photo: The Congestion Question Technical Report

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