14 Jun 2022

17 years in foster care, social workers "turned blind eye" to abuse

From Nine To Noon, 9:25 am on 14 June 2022
Elison Mae at Royal Commission into Abuse in Care.

Elison Mae at Royal Commission into Abuse in Care. Photo: Royal Commission of Inquiry

Elison Mae spent 17 years in and out of foster care suffering emotional, physical, sexual and psychological abuse which she says social workers knew about and turned a blind eye.

The Royal Commission into Abuse in State care is holding a week long inquiry into abuse within the foster care system, and Ms Mae yesterday spoke for the first time of her experiences.

Remarkably she survived that childhood, went on to get a law degree, and worked for Child Youth and Family.

She says the system must be fixed,  and she's speaking out because she doesn't want any other child to go through what she did.