The fun sing-along nature of some of the greatest duets have made them timeless, says music commentator Kirsten Zemke.
Zemke visits some of the biggest hits with mixed gender duets.
Photo: Wikipedia, YouTube
Traditionally in a duet, the performers have equal importance, unlike a duo singing, she says.
“There are so many fun ones and this is one of the things about duets that makes them popular, is they’re really good for weddings and they’re really good for karaoke.
“And that’s why I guess some of these really last across time because it’s something we actually will engage ourselves and not just put on a record. We love to sing these.”
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough (1967) - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
“It’s either men and women coming together or having a slight debate or sharing their love. And actually Ain’t No Mountain High Enough was written by a man and woman, a married couple duo, Ashford and Simpson who wrote a lot of those.”
Bonnie and Clyde (1969) - Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg
“You want a little sexual tension, a little sexual politics, you know, men, women, disagreement in how we deal with relationships but you also a lot of joy and fun and those are the ones that have sorted of lasted.”
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (1976) - Elton John and Kiki Dee
Although the key characteristic of evenness is maintained in the next duet, Zemke says Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers also manage to get a nice blend of harmonies.
“Even with a different singer, one probably would’ve outshone the others perhaps.”
Islands in the Stream (1983) - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
Sad duets are not quite so prominent, Zemke says, and usually don’t stand the test of time.
But Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s recent duet in their movie A Star Is Born has been a major success.
“This Lady Gaga one I put in because it’s so recent. Here we had Kenny and Dolly having a huge hit in the middle of the cool ‘80s with rock and punk, and here in 2018, this was a huge duet and people loved it, so it still resonates.”