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New Zealand is falling behind other western countries in closing the gap between men and women's wages, according to new research.
The average our gender pay gap here is 9 per cent, but the difference in pay for a Pasifika woman and a Pakeha man is 25 per cent.
Australia, the UK, France, Spain, Sweden and South Africa have all introduced compulsory reporting, but New Zealand has not.
A new report analysing gender pay gap reporting in these six countries, prepared for the United Nations by the Global Institute for Women's Leadership at Kings College London, shows there is a growing appetite for change and transparency in many countries, and that organisations believe public reporting can boost their profits.
Kathryn speaks with report author Minna Cowper-Coles, MindTheGap NZ co-founder Dellwyn Stuart, and former Westpac CE now KiwiRail chair David McLean.