31 Aug 2022

Global hit computer game from a Hawke's Bay home office

From Nine To Noon, 11:30 am on 31 August 2022

A computer game developer from Hawke's Bay has found massive success on the global sales charts with his new game, Sapiens.

David Frampton is the solo developer of Sapiens, which shot to number two on Steam, the world's largest computer game platform.

Sapiens, created by David Frampton

Photo: David Frampton

A true labour of love which took David seven years to develop, the game allows you to create your own prehistoric civilisation, and starting from scratch, lead your tribe to build towns and industry, and advance through thousands of years of technological breakthroughs.

Kathryn speaks with David Frampton about his company Majic Jungle, and the success of his latest game, Sapiens.

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