7 Sep 2022

$30m for urban development projects

From Nine To Noon, 9:32 am on 7 September 2022
The Drews Avenue streetscape project, carried out by Whanganui District Council’s town centre regeneration team

The Drews Avenue streetscape project, carried out by Whanganui District Council’s town centre regeneration team Photo: Whanganui District Council

Waka Kotahi is rolling out the next phase of its urban development programme, Streets for People, with $30 million earmarked for projects in 13 regions. The programme aims to accelerate the process for rolling out projects such as protected cycleways, better street crossings and low traffic neighbourhoods.

It's part of the government's wider Emissions Reduction Plan to increase walking and cycling in urban areas and to improve public transport. The Streets for People programme will build on the 2020 pilot - which included the successful rejuvenation of Drews Avenue Arts Quarter in Whanganui.

Kathryn speaks to Ellen Young from the Whanganui District Council about the project, as well as Kathryn King, Urban Mobility Manager at Waka Kotahi. 

Drews Ave, Whanganui

Photo: Charlie McKay

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