25 Oct 2022

Zincovery: The Kiwi startup seeking to green up zinc industry

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 25 October 2022

Zinc is widely used to galvanise steel and iron, putting a protective layer over it to make the metals non-corrosive. 

But the process creates a lot of waste, and recycling zinc is more emissions-intensive than mining it in the first place.

It's a problem Jonathan Ring went back to university to solve, working on it for his masters at the University of Canterbury under engineer Aaron Marshall.

Together the pair co-founded Zincovery - which recycles zinc dust back its pure form.

Jonathan joins Kathryn to explain how Zincovery's technology works and their plans for scaling up.

Zincovery co-founders Jonathan Ring and Aaron Marshall in the lab (left) and with the finished product.

Zincovery co-founders Jonathan Ring and Aaron Marshall in the lab (left) and with the finished product. Photo: Supplied

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