25 Oct 2022

USA correspondent Danielle Kurtzleben

From Nine To Noon, 9:45 am on 25 October 2022

The Republicans are slowly chipping away at Democrats' formidable lead with Latino voters.

Danielle explores some of the theories about why this is happening.

She also looks at a national "don't-say-gay" bill. House Republicans have introduced a bill that would prohibit federal funds from being used to support any 'sexually-oriented' programs, events, and literature for children under 10; ban federal facilities from hosting or promoting such events or literature; and allow parents and guardians to sue government officials, agencies and private entities if a child under 10 is 'exposed' to such materials.

Danielle says it has very little chance of passing in this Congress.

US Congress

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Danielle Kurtzleben is a political correspondent assigned to NPR's Washington Desk