8 Nov 2022

Business: Don't mention the 'r' word, Manaaki/Indigo saga

From Nine To Noon, 11:05 am on 8 November 2022
NZ Recession Graphic

Photo: RNZ

Business correspondent Pattrick Smellie joins Kathryn to talk about the big 'r' - recession.

The banks and the RBNZ don't want to use the word, but it's increasingly difficult to see how a recession can be avoided and there were some ugly pointers to on in the Reserve Bank's financial stability report last week. 

Pattrick also counters the narrative that "New Zealand has lose 50-thousand jobs to get inflation under control" and argues that an independent inquiry needed into the Manaaki/We Are Indigo saga.

Pattrick Smellie is the editor and co-founder of BusinessDesk and has reported on the New Zealand economy and business since 1983.

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